Monday, March 15, 2010

The Environment - Oxygen ( By Shi Wen Hua , 3Y )

( Most commercially produced O2 is used to smelt iron into steel . )

( Low pressure pure oxygen is used in space suits )


Oxygen is obtained from the air. It can be compressed and stored in cylinders, or it can be kept as a liquid at its boiling point of -182 in insulated tanks .

Oxygen is third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust.
At standard temperature pressure , oxygen is colorless , odorless gas with the molecular formular O2, in which the two oxygen atoms are chemically bonded to each other with a spin triplet electron configuration .

Oxygen is very important in our life !

Useso of Oxygen : ( applications )


In hospitals , Oxygen in cylinders is used to help people with breathing difficulties. Ambulances carry oxygen for the same purpose.

Life support and recreational use

A notable application of Oxygen as a low-pressure breahing gas is in modern space suits, Which surround their occupant's body with pressurized air. These devices use nearly pure oxygen at about one third normal pressure , resulting in a normal blood partial pressure of oxygen .


Smelting of iron ore into steel comsumes 55% of commercially produced Oxygen .

Oxygen is used in industry for combustion. For example , in making steel , oxygen gas is passed into molten iron to burn off impurities .

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